Bank Bumi Arta Indonesia didirikan di Jakarta pada tanggal 3 Maret 1967 dengan Kantor Pusat Operasional di Jalan Tiang Bendera III No. 24, Jakarta Barat. Seiring dengan Kebijaksanaan Pemerintah melalui Paket Oktober (PAKTO) 1988 di mana perbankan diberikan peluang yang lebih besar untuk mengembangkan usahanya, dan berkat persiapan yang cukup lama dan terarah dari pengelola Bank, maka pada tanggal 20 Agustus 1991 dengan persetujuan dari Bank Indonesia, Bank Bumi Arta ditingkatkan statusnya menjadi Bank Devisa.
Posisi Lowongan :
Teller (TL)
Kriteria :
Wanita berusia maksimum 28 tahun
Minimal pendidikan terakhir SMA
Berpenampilan menarik dan ramah
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer seperti MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, Open Office
Account Officer (AO)
Kriteria :
Pria/ wanita berusia maksimum 40 tahun
Minimal pendidikan terakhir SMA
Berpenampilan menarik dan ramah
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer seperti MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, Open Office
Kriteria :
Pria/ wanita berusia maksimum 28 tahun
Minimal pendidikan terakhir S1
Menguasai troubleshooting hardware dan software
Menguasai TCP/ IP, network, hardware
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer seperti MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, Open Office
Berpenampilan menarik dan ramah
Mempunyai kemauan keras untuk belajar
Kriteria :
Wanita berusia maksimum 28 tahun
Minimal pendidikan terakhir S1 Hukum
Berpenampilan menarik dan ramah
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer seperti MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, Open Office
Kriteria :
Pria/ wanita berusia maksimum 28 tahun
Minimal pendidikan terakhir SLTA
Berpenampilan menarik dan ramah
Dapat mengoperasikan komputer seperti MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL, Open Office
Note :
Kirim lamaran, CV, fotokopi KTP, fotokopi ijasah serta transkrip nilai dan pasfoto 4 x 6 cm ke :Bank Bumi Arta - Jl. Slompretan 30 - 32, Surabaya.
Tulis juga nomor telepon/ handphone Anda (mudah dihubungi)
Tulis kode posisi yang diinginkan (contoh : "Teller") pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran kerja Anda.
Lowongan Kerja Wijaya Karya 2012 |PT. WIKA (Dept. Industrial Plant), Dibutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk menjadi Tenaga Kontrak Outsorcing, untuk di
tempatkan di proyek-proyek di wilayah Indonesia, untuk menempati posisi sebagai
berikut :
Lead Instrument Engineering (Kode: Inst)
Jakarta Raya
Education minimal S1
Having experience as a mechanical engineer at least 10 years
Preferably with experience in the field of oil & gas
Ready to be placed throughout the Company’s operations
Lead Mechanical Engineering (Kode: Mech)
Jakarta Raya
Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik
Memiliki pengalaman sebagai mechanical engineer minimal 10 tahun
Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang oil & gas
Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah operasi Perusahaan
Lead Piping Engineering (Kode: Pip)
Jakarta Raya
Education minimal S1
Having experience as a mechanical engineer at least 10 years
Preferably with experience in the field of oil & gas
Ready to be placed throughout the Company’s operations
Lead Process Engineering (Kode: Pro)
Jakarta Raya
S1 education
Having experience as a process engineer at least 10 years
Preferably with experience in the field of oil & gas
Ready to be placed throughout the Company’s operations
Lead Electrical Engineering (Kode: Elec)
Jakarta Raya
Education minimal S1
Having experience as a mechanical engineer at least 10 years
Preferably with experience in the field of oil & gas
Ready to be placed throughout the Company’s operations
Lead Civil Engineering (Kode: Civ)
Jakarta Raya
Education minimal S1
Having experience as a mechanical engineer at least 10 years
Preferably with experience in the field of oil & gas
Ready to be placed throughout the Company’s operations
"Bagi yang berprestasi akan diusulkan untuk ikut dalam Test Penerimaan Pegawai Wika"
CV dan lamaran ditujukan kepada :
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk.
Departemen Industrial Plant
Email :
Visit Website : BUMN PT Wijaya Karya
(Include the position code on email subject)
Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 97 Tahun
2000 jo Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 54 Tahun 2003 tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri
Sipil dan Surat Persetujuan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatir Negara dan
Reformasi Birokrasi RI tanggal 11 JUni 2012 Nomor : R/98/M.PAN-RB/06/2012,
dengan ini diumumkan kepada masyarakat bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Empat Lawang
akan emnerima Calon Pegawai negeri SIpil (CPNS) daerah Formasi Tahun 2012 dari
Pelamar Umum sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bank BTN | PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. an opportunity for Indonesia's best sons and daughters who have a passion to excel, was able to work as a team, have the commitment and integrity and look attractive to join the Bank BTN, to fill the following positions:
Teller Service Staff
Customer Service Staff
A. Kualifikasi Umum :
Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI);
Belum menikah;
Berpenampilan menarik dan berkepribadian baik;
Usia maksimum 25 tahun per tanggal 01 Agustus 2012
Tinggi Badan (TB) laki-laki min. 160 cm; perempuan min. 155 cm;
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (minimal MS Windows, Word & Excel);
Diutamakan dapat berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
B. Kualifikasi Khusus :
1. Teller Service Staff :
a. Jenis kelamin laki-laki / Wanita
b. Pendidikan Minimum D-1 Semua Jurusan, Dengan IPK 2,75 (skala 4)
2. Customer Service Staff :
a. Jenis kelamin laki-laki / Wanita
b. Pendidikan Minimum D-3 Semua Jurusan, Dengan IPK 2,75 (skala 4)
1. Berkas Pendaftaran :
Surat lamaran diketik atau ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam dan dibubuhkan tandatangan pelamar, ditujukan Kepada :
- PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
- u.p. Panitia Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Tahun 2012
Pasfoto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4×6, sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar ;
Foto seluruh badan berwarna terbaru ukuran postcard dengan pakaian sopan dan rapi sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar ;
Foto copy KTP yang masih berlaku ;
Foto copy ijazah pendidikan terakhir dan transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir oleh yang berwenang;
Asli daftar riwayat hidup
2. Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran :
Berkas lamaran wajib diantar langsung oleh pelamar ke kantor cabang sebagai berikut :
No Kantor Cabang Alamat
Lowongan Terbaru PT Indojaya Mitra Sarana September 2012 | PT. Indojaya Mitra Sarana is an engineering company that does a lot of projects in the field of automation & engineering instruemntation. We do a lot of automation and industrial engineering projects in Steel, Aluminium, Copper &. To answer our rapidly growing
We are Looking for a candidate / candidates are motivated to join us in the position :
Engineers for Automation System
Tangerang (Banten) - BSD
D3/D4 in Mechatronic or Electrical Engineering
Fully understand of schematic & wiring diagram
Literate English oral & written is a must.
Capable PLC programming will be advantage
Capable in setting drive inverter will be advantage
Understand about panel wiring and necessary protection
Honest, hand-on and hardworking person
Able to work individual.
Have a good communication skill with partner & customer
Willing to travel around Indonesia & overseas.
Have driving license (car or motorcycle) will be advantage
Job location will be in BSD-Tangerang.
Pendaftaran On-line : Lowongan PT Indojaya Mitra Sarana Lowongan Indojaya Mitra Sarana : before 6 September 2012
Lowongan Kerja BUMN Indah Karya Agustus 2012 - PT Indah Karya (Persero) adalah salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang Konstruksi dan Manajemen, didirikan pada tanggal 29 Maret 1961. Kantor Pusat PT Indah Karya (Persero) berkedudukan di Bandung dengan kantor-kantor Cabang yang tersebar diseluruh wilayah Indonesia.
PT Indah Karya (Persero) memiliki dua unit usaha yaitu Indah Karya Register Certification Services (IKRCS) yang bergerak dibidang sertifikasi manajemen, dan unit Layanan Jasa Konstruksi (ELJEKA) yang merupakan pelaksana konstruksi. PT Indah Karya (Persero) didirikan dengan tujuan turut melaksanakan program pemerintah dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional dengan lapangan usaha Survey, Investigasi, Studi Perencanaan/ Planning, Perencanaan Teknis/ Design dan Persiapan/ Pengawasan/ Pengelolaan/ Manajemen untuk Konstruksi/ Pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan, Penyediaan tenaga ahli serta kegiatan Konsultansi dan Sertifikasi bidang Manajemen.
Disamping melaksanakan pekerjaan proyek-proyek Pemerintah, PT Indah Karya (Persero) juga bersaing untuk memperoleh pekerjaan proyek-proyek swasta. Dalam pengerjaan proyek-proyek tersebut PT Indah Karya (Persero) selalu bekerjasama dengan sistem asosiasi maupun subkon dengan Perusahaan Konsultan lokal maupun asing, baik dalam perannya sebagai lead firm atau sebagai associate.
PT Indah Karya (Persero) saat ini membutuhkan kandidat untuk diposisikan pada :
I. Sekretaris Komisaris
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Sarjana Akuntansi (Analisa Laporan Keuangan)
Jenis kelamin Perempuan
Belum menikah
Domisili di Bandung
Fasih Bahasa Inggris Lisan dan Tulisan
Berpenampilan menarik (lampirkan photo 4×6)
Lamaran ditujukan up.
Ibu Novially email :
Website : PT Indah Karya (Persero)
Catatan :
*) Pelamar yang memasukan lamaran lebih dari tanggal 14 Agustus tidak kami proses
**) Pelamar yang tidak kami panggil tidak memenuhi kualifikasi
***)Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru PT. Indah Karya : paling lambat selasa 14 Agustus 2012
Sekretaris Komisaris
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Sarjana Akuntansi (Analisa Laporan Keuangan)
Jenis kelamin Perempuan
Belum menikah
Domisili di Bandung
Fasih Bahasa Inggris Lisan dan Tulisan
Berpenampilan menarik (lampirkan photo 4×6)
Lamaran ditujukan up.
Ibu Novially email : Lowongan Kerja BUMN Indah Karya : paling lambat selasa 14 Agustus 2012
Catatan :
*) Pelamar yang memasukan lamaran lebih dari tanggal 14 Agustus tidak kami proses
**) Pelamar yang tidak kami panggil tidak memenuhi kualifikasi
II. Lowongan BUMN PT Indah Karya juga Membutuhkan Tenaga Ahli dengan posisi sebagai berikut :
Team Leader Sipil (S1 pengalaman 6 sd 12 tahun)
Tenaga Ahli Arsitek (S1 pengalaman 5 sd 10 tahun)
Tenaga Ahli Struktur/Sipil (S1 pengalaman 5 sd 10 tahun)
Tenaga Ahli ME (S1 pengalaman 5 sd 10 tahun)
Pengawas Lapangan Sipil, Arsitek, ME (S1 pengalaman 3 sd 6 tahun)
Persyaratan :
Pria/Wanita usia minimal 25 tahun
Diutamakan yang memiliki SKA (Sertifikat Keahlian)
Menguasai aplikasi komputer ( MS word, Autocad, SAP/ETABS)
Berpengalaman dibidang konstruksi, jujur, pekerja keras dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
Surat lamaran dan curiculum vitae dikirim paling lambat 2 minggu via pos setelah iklan dimuat, dialamatkan kepada :
Bapak Teddy Triadi
PT Indah Karya (Persero)
Jl. Golf No. 2A Ujung Berung-Bandung 40294
Website : PT Indah Karya (Persero)
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Surya Dumai Investama | PT Surya Dumai Investama, a company developing Coal & Mining Nickel. In accordance with the development company, we need a qualified professional and dedicated short cause to move forward with us for the following positions :
GRADE / QUALITY CONTROL MINING (Supervisor-Superintendent)
Requirements :
Age maximum 35 years old
Bachelor degree from faculty of mining engineering or geology
Minimum 3 (three) years experience in mining company
Posses managerial ability such as planning, organizing, controlling to control of mining quality
Responsible for the grade quality of the ore production
Responsible for the stockpiles
Good understanding about HSE / K3
Requirements :
Max 40 years old
Minimum 8 (eight) years experience in Smelter industry with minimum 4 (four) years in managerial level
Bachelor degree from faculty of mining engineer / geology / Metallurgist
Posses POM certificate
Fluent in English both oral & written, fluent in Mandarin will be an advantage
Manage and control all operation aspect, include technical & non technical to achieve project target
Able to develop all management resources program in Nickel Manufacture
Good leadership to subordinates with good interpersonal and organizational skills
Requirements :
Age maximum 35 years old
Bachelor degree from mining engineer / geology faculty
Minimum 2 (two) years experience in mining company
Posses managerial ability such as planning, organizing, controlling and executing to all mining activities
Able to calculate of heavy equipment hour production, summarize and analyze daily report, appliance hour, man power activities and dismissal of over burden and rotate mine
Able to plan short term, middle term and long term of mining process
Taking care of quality of mine product
Good understanding about HSE / K3
Capable of operating mining software such as Minex, MineScape, AutoCad, Carlson Mining)
Requirements :
Age maximum 35 years old
Bachelor degree from faculty of Geology
Minimum 2-3 years experience, preferable in mineral exploration
Able to operate mining software: Surfer, Surpac, Minescape, MapInfo, AutoCad, GPS Mapper
Able to make progress report on designated project
Able to identify geological structure, out crop, and bedrock
Good knowledge about Safety / K3 procedure
SAFETY (SPV-Superintendent)
Requirements :
Age maximum 40 years old
Bachelor degree from faculty of mining engineering / industrial engineering / public health / environment engineering
Minimum 3-5 years experience as HSE in Mining Industry
Certified POP or K3 is preferred
Good knowledge about SMK3 procedure / OHSAS 18001:2007
Conduct regular HSE inspection at sites to ensure all identified HSE potential hazard are managed properly as stated and or oblige
Age maximum 35 years old
Min STM Tambang or D3 Geodetic
Having minimum within 1-2 years experience in mining industry
Able to operated surpac and minescape software
Knowledge of mine planning and survey related software
Reporting to the President Director, you will be responsible for directing, controlling and administering the overall financial activities (tax, management and financial accounting) of the organization to meet corporate goals.
Plan and manage funding to meet business strategies and objectives, including short, medium and long-term lending requirements
Survey new sources of borrowings to meet projected cash requirements by developing existing contacts and making new ones
Ensure all bank over draft, overseas borrowing, bill lines and other negotiations are properly and promptly undertaken
Plan the financial operations of the organization
Direct the collection of financial and accounting information and the preparation of budgets, reports, forecasts and consolidated profit and loss reports
Evaluate the financial aspects of proposed acquisitions, investments, mergers or the sale of assets or business
Control activities such as cash flow and investment policy, costing and expense control, insurance arrangements, audits, administration of contracts
Direct day-to-day operations on the money market in accordance with company policy and guideline.
Requirements :
Bachelors degree in Accounting, Commerce, Finance form reputable university
Experience as Finance Manager, particularly in managing treasury and funding for 5 years is required
Experienced in Mining Company as Finance Manager or Corporate Account Manager is preferred
Strong Analysis and Leadership, Hard working, Creative, Tacticfull and Excellent Interpersonal Skill
Computer literate, Fluent in English both writing and oral, Well administrative and paperwork
Requirements :
Age maximum 45 years old
Minimum 8 (eight) years experience in mining industry with minimum 4 (four) years in managerial level
Bachelor degree from faculty of mining engineer / geology
Posses POU certificate
Fluent in English both oral & written, fluent in Mandarin will be an advantage
Computer Literate in using MS office & Internet
Extensive experience in mineral exploration and mining geology
Able to develop and oversee a successful exploration program
Manage and control all exploration operation aspect, include technical & non technical to achieve project target
Able to manage both natural resources and human resources to achieve efficient and productive result
Good leadership to subordinates with good interpersonal and organizational skills
Self confident and tactful to communicate with people in every level within the organization / corporate.
If you are qualified for above position and interested joint with us, please submit your application letter, detail CV and expected salary (max 350kb) with position applied as email subject to:
Demikian info tentang Lowongan Kerja PT Surya Dumai Investama 2012 , Semoga Bermanfaat.
Berdasarkan Surat Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor : R/80/M.PAN-RB/06/2012 tanggal 11 Juni 2012 Perihal : Persetujuan Rincian Alokasi Tambahan Formasi CPNS Daerah Untuk Jabatan yang dikecualikan Tahun 2012 dan Keputusan Gubernur Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Nomor : 188.44/386/BKD/2012 Tanggal 7 Agustus 2012 tentang Formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah (CPNS) Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Tahun 2012, Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung membuka pendaftaran dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
A. Persyaratan Umum :
Warga Negara Republik Indonesia;
Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa;
Memiliki integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri/Pegawai Negeri;
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik;
Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri atau Pegawai Swasta;
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap;
Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia atau Negara lain yang ditentukan pemerintah;
Bersedia mengikuti segala ketentuan yang berlaku di Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung.
B. Persyaratan Khusus :
Mempunyai kompetensi yang diperlukan;
Berkelakuan baik;
Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
Lulus seleksi;
Usia paling rendah 18 (delapan belas) tahun pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2012 dan paling tinggi :
a. 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2012;
b. 40 (empat puluh) tahun pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2012 bagi yang bekerja pada Instansi Pemerintah atau lembaga swasta berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional paling kurang 5 (lima) tahun pada tanggal 17 April 2002 secara terus menerus atau tidak terputus-putus sampai sekarang; 6. Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi berhak mengikuti ujian;
Nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sekurang-kurangnya 2,75 (dua koma tujuh puluh lima) bagi lulusan strata dua, strata satu dan diploma tiga;
Diutamakan menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan dibuktikan hasil tes TOEFL minimal 400.
Lowongan Kerja Primagama International Islamic Preschool & Kindergarten | Primagama International Islamic Preschool & Kindergarten merupakan pusat belajar untuk menanamkan pentingnya memberikan landasan akademis yang kuat bagi perkembangan intelektual anak-anak kita.
We dedicated to enhance learning by identifying each child’s learning style and creating a conducive fun-filled and joyful learning environment. We work together with parents to discover their child’s strength and also encourage to realize his/her full best potential.
Primagama International Islamic School needed :
Kindergarten/ Preschool Teacher
Experienced Teacher & Fresh Graduated are Welcome to apply
Fluent in Engslish, Spoken & Writing is a must
Loves Working With Children And Has Patience For Teaching
Pleasing Personality and Can Work As A Team
Will be Placed Immediately in Sumatera, Kalimantan, Batam, Balikpapan & Bali (please put your Preference of Location)
Please Put Your Salary Requirement & Present Salary
Will Be Placed Immedietely
Put A Title In Subject Field In Your e-mail, Such as : “Apply For Teacher Position in..”. (please write down your choice of Placement)
Submit your Application Letter, CV and Recent Photograph to:
Attn : Ms. Widya P. Sari (Corporate HRD)
Ph: (021) 7500907 / 90305050 Lowongan Primagama International Islamic Preschool & Kindergarten : Website Info
Recruitment Interview: 12 September 2012 (di Yogyakarta)
Lowongan Kerja MontD’Or Oil Tungkal Ltd 2012 | MontD’Or Oil Tungkal Ltd, is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and self motivated personnel to be part of our Jakarta based team.
Perusahaan MontD’Or Oil Tungkal membutuhkan kandidat pada posisi :
Jakarta based
Capable of undertaking detailed 20/3D seismic interpretation, risk and uncertainty analysis, volumetric estimation, well planning and participation in meetings with BPMIGAS and partners.
A Bachelor’s degree in Geophysical Science, or other relevant subject, 9 years industry experience, good understanding of subsurface tools, interpretation techniques and depth conversion and seismic acquisition and processing knowledge.
Jakarta based
Will undertake production and development geology for a producing field. candidates should have a Bachelors degree in Geological Science, at least 9 years experience, a solid technical background including a good understanding of structural geology, familiarity with advanced gee-science software and data management.
Jakarta based
Duties include assist Logistic and Procurement Manager with planning, coordination and organization of the supply chain activities, to ensure the alignment and accordance to BPMIGAS regulation
Candidates should be PTK 007 certified, have a Bachelor degree in Finance, Management or Business Administration, a minimum of 3 years experience in supply chain management, particularly in oil and gas company
If you are interested in working in a challenging environment and have the key skills to fill one of these vacancies please email your CV to The closing date for applications is 18 August 2012
Lowongan Kerja Hotel Salak Bogor Agustus 2012 | Hotel Salak Bogor is the most ideal place for business meetings or conventions. Located in the heart of the city of Bogor, in front of the Bogor Presidential Palace and a short walk from the Botanical Garden and culinary attractions, and it only takes 5 minutes from the exit toll gate Jagorawi and CBD area.The hotel is also a fun place for families who want to spend the holidays them in Bogor, or the highlands surrounding area.
Hotel ini dibangun tahun 1856 pada masa kolonial Belanda dengan nama Bellevue Dibbets. Pada bulan September 1998, hotel ini direnovasi, & dibuka kembali dengan gaya kolonial modern yang menampilkan 120 kamar mewah & 12 ruang pertemuan eksklusif. Hotel ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas modern seperti Free Wifi, akses Room internet, Pojok Internet, Perjalanan Online, Belanja Online, AC, Air panas, dan lainnya. Mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan tim kami sebagai :
Male age max 26 years old
Height for male min 168 cm & female 160 cm
University Graduate :
- Indonesian State University
- Accredited Foreign University USA, UK, Canada and Australia
Bachelor Degree with min GPA 3.00
Fluently in English both spoken & written
Computer literate
Self motivated & dynamic
Perfect health condition
Fresh graduated are welcome
Lowongan Kerja Hotel Salak Bogor : Visit website
Send your application letter not later than AUGUST 31st 2012
HRD DEPT HOTEL SALAK THE HERITAGE Jl.Ir.H. Juanda No. 08 Bogor 16121
Send application by E-mail to :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Asmin Koalindo Tuhup | PT Asmin Koalindo Tuhup (AKT) first founded under the name PT Swabara order on September 11, 1992, and changed its name to PT Asmin Koalindo Tuhup on February 25, 1998. It was granted a 3rd generation Coal Contract of Work (CCOW) by the Indonesian Government on 31 May 1999. AKT was incorporated as a company owned domestic (domestic) and subsequently Became a foreign owned company (PMA) in 2005, with no requirements for further divestment to local parties. BLEM gained full management control of AKT through the acquisition of 30% of the shares of the company in October 2007. It acquired a further 69% of AKT shares in December 2009.
We are currently seeking talented and energic staff to fill the following vacant positions:
Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance / Accountancy / Management
Experienced Min. 5 years as finance manager in mining/plantation company.
Strong technical Cost Control & Process Improvement
Understanding of accounting and auditing processes and procedures
Having ability to work in a team, and is independent, honest, and objective in performing its duties
A strong leadership, presentation, communication and managerial skill
Able to work independently, highly motivated person, creative, excellent interpersonal skills, accurate, team work and hard working
Computer literate (Ms. Office); Fluent in English both writing and oral; Well administrative and paperwork
Safety Manager
Male Maximum 45 years old
Candidate must possess at least diploma / bachelor degree from engineering (Environmental/health/safety) or equivalent
Experience at least 10 years in mining company or oil and gas industry
Sounds knowledge of applicable national and international codes, standards, and regulatory requirements and Industry HSE Best Practices namely quality and HSE Management Systems i.e. SMK3, ISO9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001.
Knowledge and ability to perform effective Risk Assessment technique or facilitate HSE studies such as HAZID, SIMOPS, JSA/TRA
Able to use management concepts and principles including goal setting, planning and execution in implementing company HSE policies, procedures, guidelines and work requirements
Experience in develop HSE training program and deliver training to all levels
Has highly analytical and thorough approach, also good in organizing, planning and coordinating.
Excellent relationship building, problem solving, influencing and negotiation skills
Excellent in English and have the ability to communicate effectively at all levels on a wide range of complex and sensitive issues
Good computer skills (MS Words, excel, Power Point)
Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines, responsible, integrity and good working ethics.
Familiar with various Psychological Assessment tools.
Able to operate computer (Ms. Office, Excel, etc).
Preferably having experience in similar filed.
Fast learner, high motivation, having good personality and communication skill.
Fluent in English, both written and oral.
Office Controller Superintendent
Male maximum age 40 years old.
Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Management.
Min. 10 years of working experience in high rise building and/or facility management work, particularly in office building.
Having good managerial and leadership skills to manage all cleaning services and office assistance.
Having good analytical and problem solving skill to investigates complaints regarding cleaning services, office assistance, secretary and receptionist service and equipment, to takes corrective action
Having knowledge and ability to maintain all office assets also ensure the building environment cleanliness.
Able to maintain completeness of office tools and cleaning equipments.
Having ability to records data concerning work assignments, personnel actions and prepares periodic reports.
Fluent in English, both written and oral.
Lowongan Asmin Koalindo Tuhup 2012:
To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in email subject to:
Only short listed candidates will be notified for interviews
Info : PT Asmin Koalindo Tuhup
Lowongan Kerja Chevron Indonesia Tahun 2012 | Chevron, Headquartered in San Ramon, California USA and conducting business in 180 countries. Chevron is engaged in every aspect of oil and natural gas industry, including exploration and production, refining, marketing and transportation, chemicals manufacturing and sales, and power plants. In Indonesia, Chevron worked with BP Migas (Implementing Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas) for exploration & production business and Pertamina for geothermal and power business and has long been recognized as a significant oil and gas producer and geothermal and power provider to maintain profitable growth and building organizational capability, Chevron in Indonesia is now seeking an experienced Indonesian nationals who have relevant educational background, technical and behavioral competencies to join the company in the following opportunities >>> Lowongan Terbaru Chevron Indonesia :
Counsel (Ext-202/LAW/EXP/CHEVRON-IBU/LAW/2012)
Jakarta Raya, Kalimantan Timur, Riau
Have experience in law firm or multinational companies preferably in Oil and Gas/Geothermal Industry.
Education Background: S2 Law degree from reputable University. Master of Laws (LL.M) is preferable.
Analyze and interpret national and international legislations potentially impacting to Company operations.
Prepare, draft negotiate agreements with individuals, companies, non-government organizations, and governments.
Involve and able to work in cross-functional teams and manage components of transactions by himself/herself. The individual must be able to initiate his/her task independently, build a strong relationship with stakeholders, have strong organizational ability and attention to detail, and the ability to deal with sensitive information in a professional manner.
Provide advice and assistance through pre-litigation phases, direct litigation and settlement processes as well as manage external legal counsel services.
Have significant experience in handling legal transactions – attorney work.
Able to provide legal advice and counsel to directors, officers and others on any legal matters.
Able to do legal research, communicate complex issues in both Bahasa Indonesia and English effectively. orally and in writing.
Demonstrate skill in providing timely and client-focused advice and counsel.
Demonstrate strong analytical skill and experience in working in teams and managing interpersonal Relationships.
Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations in Indonesia.
Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization.
Construction Representative (Ext-172/FE/EXP/CHEVRON-IBU/HO/2011)
Riau – Duri
Experience in project & construction management and execution in oil and gas industry for piping, pipe line, tank, vessel and instrument/electrical
Demonstrate knowledge of construction practices for oil & gas projects. Capable to conduct independent verification with minimal guidance and ensure the compliance to standards, construction procedures and guideline. Able to understand construction drawings and contract documents in order to coordinate construction activities to assure constructability and safety in design compliance. Manage work progress and cost in construction schedule and regular report
Have experience in project & construction management, planning, prioritization and coordination in execution of construction or maintenance work that includes monitoring and controlling field work execution, resources (people, equipment, tools and materials), cost and schedule, ensuring safety and quality of work.
Have experience with directly supervising Business Partners construction crews utilising SOP, Job Safety Analysis & risk assessments, reliability/efficiency improvement to ensure incident free during execution.
Have good communication and coordination with customers and business partner. Fluent in English is an advantage.
Should have demonstrated experience and track record using project management principle as a Project Manager to run large capital projects or a portfolio of smaller capital projects.
Experience leading the multiple discipline engineers and directing the work activities and coordinating interface among teams to execute projects.
Strong understanding of oil and gas facility design including design basis and P&ID development, application of relevant industry specifications, development of engineering deliverables (data sheets, equipment sizing, etc.) and HAZOP procedures.
Strong knowledge and experience with fabrication techniques and construction practices.
Knowledgeable and committed to implementing industry best practices in safety.
Strong skills in cost and schedule control for assigned projects to ensure efficient execution.
Familiar with the application of construction safety aspects to achieve good safety record.
FE Project Control (Ext-197/FE/EXP/CHEVRON-IBU/OU/2012)
Riau – Duri
Minimum degree : S1 majority in Mechanical engineering and willing to work in Riau, Sumatera.
At least 5 years experienced working as reliability engineer with good understanding in utilizing reliability concept, software and tools to optimize equipment and facility.
Capable to review engineering drawing such as PFD, P&ID, etc, and familiar with major rotating equipment used in oil and gas industry.
Has experience in Mechanical integrity and perform Risk Assessment, Condition Monitoring (Inspection), Data Base/Data Integration/Data Assessment.
Good understanding on Maintenance management, experienced in utilizing RCM and CMMS application to review failure history then improve equipment performance.
Familiar in performing FMEA, RCA, LCCA, life time, to improve equipment Reliability, Availability, MTBF, MTTR, etc.
Capable to develop program and plan to improve the quality of reactive work, PM Tasks, as well as utilizing the applicable PdM tools to monitor equipment health and to avoid unscheduled equipment breakdown
Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau).
Have a good communication skill, adaptability and strong in seeking learning activitiesAble to establish effective relationship with people from other culture and backgrounds.?
Educational Requirement: S1 Degree (S2/Master Degree will be an advantage).
4 years plus relevant experience as a Mechanical Engineer.
Able to provide pipeline engineering input throughout pre-FEED, FEED, detailed design, construction, pre-commissioning and commissioning.
Competent to act as Company representative for the review of the pipeline aspects of design basis, design drawings, specifications, installation procedures, etc.
Have sufficient knowledge to ensure that the design work by contractors meets company standards and relevant industry codes.
Knowledgeable of Project Management skills & practices.
The successful candidates will need to be able to provide technical specialist support evolving projects design and execution to support organization to achieve its goals and performance targets, including meeting all safety requirements.
Part of facilities engineering team providing technical input and guidance to contractors during the conceptual design development, detailed engineering and execution of the project through to commissioning.
Mechanical Engineer background with experience in oil & gas plant design, opration and commissioning/start-up of the facility with focus on rotating equipment (API and ANSI centrifugal pumps, piston pump and compressor type, machinary protection system, mechanical seal, pump lubrication system, cooling system etc.
Has good understanding of the pump and piping specification.
Knowledgeable of relevant industry specifications, codes and standards (pumps, piping, vessels, etc.)
Experience in pump sizing and selection, piping design, vessel & heat exchanger sizing, fabrication, installation & startup
Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau).
Have a good leadership and communication, both in Bahasa or English.
Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization.
Strong in seeking learning activities.
Able to establish effective relationships with people of other culture and background.
Construction Engineer (Ext-156/FE/EXP/CPI/HO/2012)
Educational Requirement: S1 Degree (S2/Master Degree will be an advantage).
Minimum 8 years experiences in project execution especially in oil & gas projects included engineering design, construction concept included commissioning, testing & start up. 5 of these years includes experience with managing construction and related supervisory activities.
Construction activities include the construction of brownfield facilities typically with a value under $5MM that include civil, mechanical & piping and I&E works.
Strong technical background in piping, pipeline, tanks, pumps and other basic oil & gas processing facilities.
Experience in project scheduling, resourcing, cost estimating baselines and performance evaluations.
Have experience working with organizational capability challenged construction contractors.
Familiar with standard/code/RP for ANSI, ASME & API.
Familiar in contract process & handling.
Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau).
Have a good leadership and communication, both in Bahasa or English.
Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization.
Strong in seeking learning activities.
Able to establish effective relationships with people of other culture and backgrounds.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 2012 | PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is establish as a subsidiary company of PT Pertamina (Persero), in the business of oil and natural gas exploration and exploitation. In line with our expansion plan, PHE is currently seeking extraordinarily talented individuals to be part of the great team in order to accomplish our vision become a world class national oil & gas company.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Pertamina Hulu Energi Agustus 2012 :
Officer Asset & Supplies
Officer HRIS
SR. Geophysicist
SR. Engineer Production Surface
Officer Asset & Supplies
Jakarta Raya
Minimum Bachelor Degree
Minimum 3 years experience in handling asset inventory and supplies
Lowongan Kerja Guru / Dosen Undip Semarang Agustus 2012 | Universitas Diponegoro (undip) berupaya mewujudkan Visi 2020 dimana pada tahun 2020, Menjadi Universitas Unggul.
Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional (HI) FISIP Universitas Diponegoro memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat yang tertarik menjadi staf pengajar kontrak.
Kesempatan tersebut ditawarkan untuk :
Jurusan Hubungan Internasional
Standar kualifikasi dosen yang diminta
minimal berijazah S1 Ilmu Hubungan Internasional dan S2 Ilmu Hubungan Internasional atau lulusan S1 dan S2 Kriminologi.
Kualifikasi akademik yang baik dengan Indeks Prestasi Akademik (IPK) >3,25 serta usia pada saat mendaftar maksimal 30 tahun.
Pelamar diminta mengirimkan surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada Dekan FISIP Undip, dengan alamat Jalan Prof Soedarto SH No 1 Kampus Tembalang, Semarang 1269. Lowongan Kerja Dosen Undip Semarang 2012 : paling lambat (cap pos) 11 Agustus 2012
Visit Website : Universitas Diponegoro
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Sugar Group Companies Agustus 2012 | SUGAR GROUP COMPANIES the Cane and Sugar Plantations in Indonesia, Lampung Province. Sugar Group Company main products are sugar cane. The company consists of several subsidiaries. Manufactures and distributes wholesale and retail sugar. Distribution through more than 12 branches across Indonesia, with the name Gulaku. Sugar Group Companies invites young motivated and dynamic individuals to join :
Sugar Group Companies Leadership Program
The program consists of training conducted by company executives followed by assignments in company operating units.
Bachelor degree (any majors) with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0
Some fluency in oral and written English
Willingness to work in office and/ or field
Documents required:
Curriculum Vitae
Certified copy of diploma and academic transcript (Applicant who has not received an official diploma may submit a certificate of completion.)
Copy of Government Identity Card (KTP)
Recent photograph of 4 x 6 cm (2 copies)
Submission :
Biro Kemahasiswaan Unpad (Subag Pendikar)
Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang Km 21, Jatinangor. 45363
Deadline: August 29th , 2012
Sugar Group Companies will conduct entrance tests. The place and time for the occasion will be announced later
Visit Website : Lowongan Terbaru Sugar Group Companies Agustus 2012,
Lowongan Terbaru Inti Brunel Teknindo | PT. Inti Brunel Teknindo adalah agen tunggal untuk Energi Brunel, kami menyediakan pengetahuan khusus untuk perusahaan minyak & gas, petrokimia, pembangkit listrik dan Industri konstruksi di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia. Klien kami sebagian besar adalah perusahaan operasi utama dan rekayasa internasional atau perusahaan konstruksi.
Company : Major Operator Company
Employment Status : Contract
Work Location : Jakarta
Availability join request : Sept 2012
Salary : N/A
Closing date of advertisement : 3 days
Open for : National (Indonesian)
Position : 1. QA/QC Coordinator
Minimum S1 degree in Engineering or equivalent
Familiar with regulations and requirements for inspection and certification.
Experience on examination of pressure vessel, welding, NDT, and pipeline training.
ASNT level II certification or equivalent for one of four NDT methods (RT, UT, MPI, DP).
Inspection experience in each categories of equipment (umbilical, flexipble pipe, Subsea quipment, pressure vessel, rotating equipment, electrical, flow line, crane or platform)
Good written and spoken English language communication skill
Good understanding on the implementation of ISO9000 quality management system.
Must have minimum 10 years experience in a supervisory level coordinating quality activities in a new project and/or turn around (repair and maintenance) of oil and gas production facilities.
Experience in setup QA/QC sysem for Major Capital Project size
Willing to spend upto 50% on travel time
2. Export Pipeline Installation Engineer
Bachelor of Science Degree (minimum) in Mechanical Engineering or Materials Engineering or Welding Engineering
Experience in defining and incorporating project HSE requirements into final project specification for execution and post-project operations
Demonstrated experience on shallow and deepwater pipeline design for export pipeline systems. Familiar with industry and regulatory codes, standards and recommended practices from API, ASME, DNV etc. Knowledge of pipeline coatings, welding standards and procedures.
Experience in managing contracts; monitoring and approving contractors plans, procedures, and work output; knowledge of contract management procedures.
Knowledgeable of production operations and installation interfaces with Operations (Permit to Work, SIMOPs, Start-Up Procedures and Operations).
Works effectively with others and strives to reach agreement on key interface issues. Has high ability to achieve goals using influence and trust. Ability to work with Operations Field Personnel is important.
20+ years of specialist experience with proven experience in offshore construction and commissioning on deepwater subsea projects and with knowledge in shallow/deepwater installation of pipelines and SCRs.
Company : Major Operator Company
Employment Status : Contract
Work Location : Jakarta/Cepu
Availability join request : Sept 2012
Salary : N/A
Closing date of advertisement : 1 week
Open for : National (Indonesian)
Position :
1. Spread Superintendent
Promote safety awareness and safe performance among project team members, including consultants and contractor personnel
Provide input to and review development of contractors detailed plans to complete the work
Monitor and appraise contractors performance and recommend corrective action to be taken where deficiencies are detected; verify actions are taken
Coordinate resolution of production and technical issues with appropriate company and contractor resources on and off-site
Establish, implement, and maintain mechanical completion verification plan and process
Ensure appropriate Material Handling and Working Environment reviews are carried out at site and that findings are resolved and implemented by contractor
Liaise with on-site Operations, Drilling, and functional personnel regarding planning and implementation of fabrication, construction, and mechanical completion activities
Participate in lessons learned reviews and provide input to close-out report sections upon completion of work
Administer the execution of the contract, including interpretations to the contract
Review change requests and change assessments in accordance with Management of Change Plan
Provide input to appraisal process for assigned site personnel
Provide support and guidance to the EPC Contractors in the development of project specific Systems Completions Plan.
Provide support in the installation and operation of a computerized Completion Management System (CMS) database for tracking, certification, and quality control purposes. Monitor the CMS database of engineering parameters, check sheets, and verification criteria.
Involve Operations representatives in commissioning planning and execution. Ensure Operations personnel are familiarized with plant equipment and systems according to the requirements the Operability Management Plan.
During Detail Design phase, under the direction of the Commissioning Lead and in collaboration with the EPC contractors :
- Provide guidance to EPC Contractors to ensure proper planning of Commissioning activities and alignment of execution planning with PT and Operations.
Prepare all commissioning deliverables including Turnover and Completion Packages (TCPs), work packs, check-sheets, Systems Boundary drawings, Systems Description, Minimum Equipment Testing Matrix, commissioning procedures, Preservation/De-preservation Plans and Procedures, Completion Dossiers, Final Systems List and Priorities, commissioning spares, First Fills, commissioning consumables, temporary equipment for commissioning, etc.
- Create a Vendor Support Register for commissioning activities including timely mobilization and demobilization dates. Liaise with Start-Up Lead to integrate
commissioning and start-up vendor support requirements
During Construction, Commissioning and Start-Up phases, under the direction of the Commissioning Lead and in collaboration with the EPC contractors:
- Provide onsite safety leadership to ensuring safe execution of commissioning activities and participate in PT safety initiatives
- Execute FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) plan and procedures and ensure that Contractors document the execution of FAT and upload the FAT results into the project CMS database.
- Provide guidance and participate in Commissioning activities during Construction Completion, Static Commissioning, Dynamic Commissioning and Turnover of Systems.
- Provide guidance and participate in the execution of discipline specific commissioning procedures, TCPs and work packs and ensure that they are executed in accordance with the Systems Completion specifications. Assist with trouble-shooting of systems and processes when required.
- Provide guidance and participate in the execution of Systems Completion acceptance processes including walk-downs and punch list activities
- Provide commissioning input for Safety and Operability reviews
- Review Startup and Operating manuals and provide input
- Provide timely recommendations in regard to contingency plans and changing schedules.
Provide support to the Start-Up Team in the planning and execution of the facilities start-up and performance test
Assist in coordinating workshops to capture lesson learned
Company : Multinational Construction Company
Employment Status : Contract
Work Location : Jakarta
Availability join request : Sept 2012
Salary : N/A
Closing date of advertisement : 1 week
Open for : National (Indonesian)
Position :
Civil & Structural Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Rotating Engineer
Document Control & Schedule Engineer
HR Manager
Company : Multinational Construction Company
Employment Status : Contract
Work Location : Jakarta
Availability join request : Sept 2012
Salary : N/A
Closing date of advertisement : 1 week
Open for : National (Indonesian)
Position :
1. Project Engineer
Engineering degree in Mechanical or Electrical with about 5 years experience.
Must have experience in subsea IRM project engineering, and able to develop the IRM procedure/installation procedure as well.
LowonganInti Brunel Teknindo | Please send update resume (not more than 200 KB) to: with specific “position” in subject of email. For example, “QA/QC Coordinator”. Only shortlisted candidate will be process on next step
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bank BTPN Wilayah Jateng | PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (Bank BTPN) didirikan di Bandung pada tanggal 5 Februari 1958, awalnya bernama Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer (BAPEMIL memiliki) dengan status asosiasi usaha sebagai entitas yang menerima deposito dan memberikan pinjaman kepada para anggotanya. BAPEMIL memiliki bertujuan untuk membantu meringankan beban ekonomi para pensiunan, baik militer maupun sipil. Pada tahun 1986 para anggota BAPEMIL memiliki PT dibentuk Pensiun Bank Tabungan Nasional dengan ijin usaha sebagai Bank Tabungan. Pada tahun 1993 status BTPN Bank Umum.
Mari Bergabung dan tumbuh bersama BTPN melalui :
Relationship Officer Training Program (ROTP)
Persyaratan umum:
Pendidikan Min D3 IPK 2.75 dan atau min mahasiswa tingkat akhir
Usia maks 28 tahun
Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
Menguasai bahasa dan budaya lokal
Memiliki integritas yang tinggi
Berorientasi kuat terhadap target dan menyukai tugas lapangan
Mampu menjalin komunikasi dan mudah bergaul
Area Penempatan:
Solo, Klaten, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Kebumen, Purwokerto dan Cilacap
I. Berdasarkan Surat Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor : R/87/M.PAN-RB/06/2012 tanggal 11 Juni 2012 Perihal : Persetujuan Rincian Alokasi Tambahan Formasi CPNS Daerah Untuk Jabatan yang dikecualikan Tahun 2012 dan Keputusan Bupati Bangka Tengah Nomor : 188.45/558/BKD/2012 tentang Penetapan Formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Daerah Kabupaten Bangka Tengah Tahun 2012, dengan ini Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka Tengah membuka kesempatan untuk menjadi CPNS Daerah Kabupaten Bangka Tengah Formasi Tahun 2012, sebagai berikut :
A. GURU SD Negeri
Guru Kelas
B. GURU SMK Negeri
Guru Teknik Listrik / Elektro
Guru Otomotif Mobil / Sepeda Motor
Guru Perhotelan
Guru Design Grafis
Dokter Umum
Dokter Gigi
Penguji Kendaraan Bermotor
Penyuluh KB
Penyuluh Pertanian
Penyuluh Kehutanan
Paramedik Veteriner
Pengawas Mutu Pakan Ternak
Pengawas Mutu Bibit Ternak
1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia;
2. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa;
3. Memiliki integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri/Pegawai Negeri;
5. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik;
6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri atau Pegawai Swasta;
7. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap;
8. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia atau Negara lain yang ditentukan pemerintah;
9. Bersedia mengikuti segala ketentuan yang berlaku di Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka Tengah;
1. Mempunyai kompetensi yang diperlukan;
2. Berkelakuan baik;
3. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
4. Usia paling rendah 18 (delapan belas) tahun pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2012 dan paling tinggi :
a. 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2012
b. 40 (empat puluh) tahun pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2012 bagi tenaga kependidikan/guru yang bekerja pada Instansi Pemerintah atau swasta berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional paling kurang 5 (lima) tahun pada tanggal 17 April 2002 atau telah bekerja sebelum tanggal 17 April 1997, secara terus menerus atau tidak terputus-putus sampai sekarang;
5. Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi berhak mengikuti ujian selanjutnya;
1. Lamaran dikirim melalui PT. Pos dengan kilat khusus (tercatat) mulai tanggal 7 s.d 16 Agustus 2012 stempel pos dengan menggunakan amplop coklat ukuran 35 x 24,5 cm;
2. Bagi pelamar yang mengirim lamaran sebelum dan sesudah tanggal ditetapkan tidak akan diproses;
3. Tidak menerima surat lamaran yang diantar langsung ke BKD Kabupaten Bangka Tengah;
4. Surat lamaran ditulis tangan sendiri dengan tinta hitam dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan kertas HVS folio yang dibubuhi materai Rp. 6000,- menggunakan huruf kapital/balok dengan mencantumkan :
- Nama lengkap semua gelar pendidikan dituliskan dibelakang nama;
- Jenis kelamin;
- Tempat/Tanggal lahir;
- Pendidikan Terahkir;
- Alamat jelas Jalan, Dusun/Kampung, RT/RW, Kelurahan, Kecamatan, Kabupaten dan Provinsi;
- Nomor telepon rumah dan Handphone (HP) yang mudah dihubungi;
- Jenis Jabatan, Kode Jabatan, Jenis Pendidikan, Kode Pendidikan
Surat Lamaran dilampiri dengan :
a. Pas photo terbaru bewarna ukuran 3 X 4 sebanyak 6 lembar dan dibaliknya ditulis nama.
b. Fotocopy ijazah dan transkip nilai yang dipersyaratkan, yang telah dilegalisir dengan ketentuan ijazah yang dikeluarkan oleh :
1. Universitas/Institut foto copy ijazah dilegalisir oleh Rektor / Dekan / Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik.
2. Sekolah Tinggi foto copy ijazah dilegalisir oleh Ketua / Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik.
3. Akademi dan Politeknik foto copy ijazah dilegalisir oleh Direktur / Pembantu Direktur Bidang Akademik
4. Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam foto copy ijazah dilegalisir oleh Pejabat yang berwenang dan berkompenten pada Kopertais
5. Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Agama Hindu / Budha / Kristen / Katholik foto copy ijazah dilegalisir oleh Kabid Bimas Agama yang bersangkutan pada Kanwil Departemen Agama / Kakandep Agama Kabupaten / Kota dan Direktur, Sekretaris Ditjen Bimas yang bersangkutan.
6. Sekolah / Akademi / PT Kedinasan foto copy ijazah dilegalisir oleh Kepala Sekolah/ Ketua / Direktur Akademik atau PT yang bersangkutan, Kapusdiklat / Kabid yang berkompeten. (Ijazah sementara / surat keterangan lulus / bukti yudisium tidak berlaku).
c. Fotocopy Surat Keterangan pencari kerja/AK1 kartu kuning dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja yang masih berlaku dan dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang legalisir stempel basah;
d. Fotocopy Surat Keputusan pengangkatan sebagai pegawai pada instansi pemerintah atau/ lembaga swasta berbadan hukum bagi yang berusia lebih dari 35 Tahun s/d. 40 Tahun dilegalisir oleh Pejabat yang berwenang pada tempat bekerja legalisir stempel basah dan menyertakan asli surat keterangan masih bekerja pada instansi tersebut;
e. Surat pernyataan tidak akan mengundurkan diri dan tidak mengajukan mutasi;
f. Menyertakan amplop balasan yang berukuran 23 x 11 cm dan sudah ditempel dengan prangko kilat khusus, dengan menuliskan nama dan alamat lengkap pelamar serta nomor telepon yang mudah dihubungi (contoh penulisan terlampir), bagi yang tidak menyertakan amplop balasan dan alamat yang jelas tidak akan dibalas.
5. Berkas lamaran dimasukan ke dalam map sesuai dengan warna jenis formasi dan dimasukkan ke dalam amplop coklat ukuran 35 x 24,5 cm, ditujukan kepada :
Yth. Bupati Bangka Tengah
PO. BOX 33104 CPNS 2012 Kabupaten Bangka Tengah
Pada ujung kiri atas amplop lamaran ditulis CPNS-1 kemudian dibawah ditulis “Perihal : Lamaran CPNS, Jenis Formasi, Nama Jabatan, Kode Jabatan dan Kualifikasi Pendidikan dan Kode Pendidikan”. Contoh penulisan terlampir
Warna Map Jenis Formasi :
- Tenaga Pendidik /Guru = Merah
- Tenaga Kesehatan = Kuning
- Tenaga Teknis = Hijau
6. Lamaran yang Memenuhi Syarat (MS) akan diberikan balasan disertai dengan tanda peserta ujian/nomor test. III. PELAKSANAAN SELEKSI
1. Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi seleksi Tahap I, akan diundang untuk mengikuti seleksi Tahap II berupa test tertulis, yang akan dilaksanakan pada :
Hari : Sabtu
Tanggal : 8 September 2012
Jam : 08.00 WIB
Tempat Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangka Tengah (tertulis di kartu ujian)
Materi Test Kompetensi Dasar yang meliputi :
- Test Wawasan Kebangsaan
- Test Intelegensi Umum
- Test Karakteristik Pribadi
2. Bagi pelamar yang lulus seleksi Tahap II, wajib mengikuti seleksi Tahap III berupa Test Kompetensi Bidang yang meliputi :
- Tes Tertulis (Khusus Tenaga Guru);
- Tes Psikologi lanjutan;
- Tes Wawancara; dan
- Tes Praktek (performance test);
3. Perlengkapan ujian
Kelengkapan yang harus dibawa pada waktu ujian sebagai berikut :
a. Kartu Peserta/Tanda Peserta;
b. Pensil 2 B asli;
c. Karet Penghapus
d. Alas/Papan untuk menulis;
e. Rautan;
f. Pulpen atau Ballpoin;
4. Keputusan kelulusan ujian Tahap II akan diumumkan minggu keempat bulan September 2012
keputusan tersebut bersifat mengikat dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Pengumuman dapat dilihat di :
- Kantor BKD Kabupaten Bangka Tengah, Koran Harian Daerah di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
- Website http: Bangkatengahkab.
1. Berkas lamaran yang sudah dikirim menjadi milik panitia dan tidak dikembalikan.
2. Pelamar yang tidak memenuhi syarat tidak akan diikutsertakan dalam test.
3. Keputusan Panitia bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
4. Bagi pelamar yang memberikan keterangan palsu akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.
5. Bagi pelamar yang lulus seleksi akan ditempatkan di :
a. Tenaga Pendidikan/Guru : SD Negeri 1 Sungaiselan, SD Negeri 5 Sungaiselan, SD Negeri 8 Sungai Selan, SD Negeri 14 Sungai Selan, SD Negeri 23 Sungai Selan, SD Negeri 1 Pangkalan Baru, SD Negeri 3 Pangkalan Baru, SD Negeri 4 Pangkalan Baru dan SD Negeri 11 Pangkalan Baru, SD Negeri 2 Lubuk Besar, SD Negeri 4 Lubuk Besar, SD Negeri 6 Lubuk Besar, SD Negeri 8 Lubuk Besar, SD Negeri10 Lubuk Besar dan SD Negeri 13 Lubuk Besar, SD Negeri 4 Namang, SD Negeri 6 Namang dan SD Negeri 8 Impang Katis, SMK Negeri 1 Koba, SMK Negeri 2 Koba, SMK Negeri 1 Simpang Katis dan SMK Negeri 1 Pangkalan Baru
b. Tenaga Kesehatan : Puskesmas Lubuk Besar, Puskesmas Namang, Pustu Batu Beriga Lubuk Besar, Pustu Tanjung Tedung Sungai Selan dan Pustu Kerantai Sungai Selan
c. Tenaga Teknis : Dishubkominfo, BPPKB, BKP3 dan DPP;
6. Agar para pelamar jangan percaya kepada pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang menjanjikan kelulusan/calo.
Silakan Download : Pengumuman Lengkap Penerimaan CPNS Bangka Tengah Tahun 2012
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Pramugari Merpati Nusantara Agustus 2012 | Merpati Nusantara Airlines |
Semuanya menjadi tempaan bagi Merpati untuk tumbuh semakin dewasa. Sejak berdirinya hingga kini, Merpati selalu berusaha berbenah diri dan memberikan yang terbaik bagi bangsa dan negara, sekaligus membangun citra dunia penerbangan di Tanah Air.
Program ini meliputi berbagai peningkatan di bidang kemampuan perolehan laba, efesiensi dan efektivitas, kualitas sumber daya manusia, serta daya saing yang berkesinambungan. Sebagai anak bangsa, Merpati mempersembahkan yang terbaik bagi negerinya yang tercinta.
Lowongan Kerja Pramugari PT. Merpati Nusantara :
Experienced Flight Attendant
Persyaratan Umum :
Wanita berpenampilan menarik
Pendidikan terakhir minimal SLTA/Sederajat
Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm s.d maksimal 170 cm
Berat badan proposional
Tidak berkacamata / contact lens
Tidak menggunakan kawat gigi
Tidak bertato
Foto ukuran 2×3 (2 lembar), 4×6 (2 lembar), dan seluruh badan (2 lembar)
Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan maupun tulisan
Persyaratan Khusus :
Usia maksimal 35 tahun
Valid License minimal 6 bulan untuk rating Boeing Classic / Series
Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Flight Attendat
Memiliki surat lolos butuh dari perusahaan sebelumnya
dapat dibawa langsung ke :
Organization Development,
Human Capital & General Services Division, PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines.
Gedung Basarnas, Jl. Angkasa Blok B-15, KAV.2 & 3 Lt.9
Kemayoran, Jakarta. Lowongan Kerja Pramugari PT. Merpati Nusantara 2012 :
Pendaftaran dibuka setiap hari kerja pada pukul 10.00 – 15.00 WIB
Pakaian saat melamar : Atasan lengan pendek dan rok sebatas lutut.
Lowongan Kerja Eni Indonesia 2012 | Eni adalah Perusahan minyak internasional utama yang terintegrasi dan Perusahaan Gas yang berbasis di Italia dengan kepentingan di 77 negara berbeda, dan mempekerjakan sekitar 79.000 orang di seluruh dunia. To support its progressive groth and build the organizational capability, Eni Indonesia is inviting the best candidates whos posses relevant education background, experience and competencies to join as :
Education: Petroleum Engineering degree
Knowledge, Technical, and Professional Skills:
Reservoir modeling: 3D model initialization, history match, field & well completion scheme design (Petrel and Eclipse preferred), well testing design and analysis, elements of statistics and risk analysis, elements of geology, basic understanding of reserves and resource classification.
Education: Degree in Geology or equivalent
Knowledge, Technical, and Professional Skills.
Stratigraphy, Well Data Acquisition & Evaluation: Geology & Drilling well program, Interpretation surface logging hydrocarbon shows data (GWD, QFT), Pore pressure prediction evaluation, Coring. Well Seismic Acquisition. Wire line formation testing RF1 Logs Acquisition, DC and follow up, Well Test Design & field follow-up, PVT sampling design, Rex. Characterization: Recognition of hydraulically separated pools/blocks, 2D Geometric model, 3D Geometric model, Geostatistical Res. Character, Fractures Reservoir Character
3. PLANNER (Code: FINO1) Requirement
The candidate should have a degree in Economics or relevant/equivalent discipline
General Requirements
You must be a good communicator arid high motivated with highly effective multi-disciplinary team writing skills.
Good analytical skills as well as effective communication with other relevant internal and external parties.
Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English is a must.
You must have 3 (three) years of Oil & Gas Industry experience for position no. 1 and 2 and 2 (two) years of OH & Gas Industry experience for position no.3.
Pease apply for this advertisement to Eni Indonesia at email
Please note that applications may not be reviewed if received after 20 August 2012.
Lebih jelas silakan buka pengunguman : Lowongan Kerja Eni Indonesia 2012
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Merpati Nusantara Airlines Agustus 2012. - Merpati Nusantara Airlines peluang untuk terlibat dalam
“Turn Around Merpati”, yaitu kesempatan untuk merevitalisasi dan merubah PT
Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero)
Suatu pengalaman yang luar biasa menantang dan
sangat jarang terjadi dimana Anda terlibat secara langsung di garis depan dalam
melakukan revitalisasi Merpati menjadi salah satu perusahaan penerbangan
terbaik di Indonesia.
Dengan terlibat secara langsung dalam program
ini, maka Anda bisa mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam menjadikan
Merpati sebagai World Class Airline.
Merpati juga menyediakan program Master of
Airline Management, yang akan mengadakan kerjasama antara Merpati dengan
Perguruan Tinggi terbaik Indonesia. Diperkirakan akan dimulai tahun 2013.
Lowongan Kerja Merpati Nusantara Agustus 2012
System Analyst.
Persyaratan Umum :
Pendidikan D3/S1 Jurusan Teknologi Informasi, IPK min 2.75 skala 4.00
Pria / Wanita Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
Mampu Berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
Persyaratan Khusus : Programmer (P)
Menguasai Project Management Tools
Menguasai HTML, PHP, CSS, Javascript, NET, MySQL dan SQL
Berpengalaman dengan AJAX, Web Services
System Analyst (SA):
Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman dalam disain implementasi dan sistem integrasi.
Menguasai HTML, XML, C/C++ dan Java
Wawancara akan dilaksanakan pada :
Tanggal : 28 – 31 Agustus 2012
Waktu : Pukul 14.00 s.d. 17.00 WIB
Lokasi : Information & Technology Division, PT. MerpatiNusantara Airlines, Gedung Basarnas Lt. 10 Jl. Angkasa Blok B15 KAV 2-3 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat.
Visit Website Info : Merpati Nusantara Airlines
Harap hadir 1 jam sebelum pelaksanaan wawancara dengan membawa Surat Lamaran, CV, Foto 2×3 dan 4×6 masing-masing 1lembar.
Untuk Konfirmasi hubungi :
Bpk Harris (0821 1093 4336)
Ibu Nia (0813 1647 2307) Lowongan Merpati Nusantara Airlines 28 – 31 Agustus 2012
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Ahiguna Karya Jaya 2012 | PT Ahiguna Karya Jaya was founded in 1998, is widely known by the name PT AKJ. We have been active participants in the Construction Industry Indonesia and contribute to the development of the country.
Selama tahun PT Adhiguna Karya Jaya berpengalaman luas di bidang Mekanikal-Elektrikal, Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi, & Pemeliharaan dan Solusi Energi
1 Minimal D3 (PS, EST,SM,ADM,DRF), STM (SPV)
2 Wajib menguasai/mahir MS Office Word, Excel, Power Point (EST, SM,ADM,DRF). Autocad (DRF)
3 Menguasai sistem Mekanikal & Elektrikal (EST,SM,SPV,DRF)
4 Berpengalaman dibidang M/E minimal 2 thn (PS,SM,DRF), 5 thn (EST,SPV)
5 Usia Max. 45 thn (EST,SM,SPV), 35 thn (PS,ADM, DRF)
Lowongan Kerja Ahiguna Karya Jaya 2012
Kirim lamaran ke:
Gedung NARIBA OUA Lt 3 Ruang 302
Jl. TB Simatupang 49, Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur 13760
Info : Ahiguna Karya Jaya
Lowongan Kerja Delma Mining Corporation 2012 | PT Delma Mining Corporation (DMC), a group company specialized in coal mines (PKP2B), nickel, and other power plants. On behalf of the company to support grwoth, we opened the opportunity for professional candidates to join our team for the position :
Male, Maximum 35 years old
Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Geology Engineering
3 years experience, Fresh graduate are welcome
Able to operating software Autocad/ Minescape/ Surpac/ Minex
Having POP Certified are preferable
Willing to business trip in all location
Male / Female, Maximum 30 years old
Minimum High School in Geology or Mining
Hard Worker
1 - 2 years experience
Willing to business trip in all location
Male, Minimum 30 years old
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Law
Strong leadership, adaptive and Good Communication skills
Fluent in English
5 years experience
Ready worked in remote area
Male / Female, Minimum 27 years old
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Social Science
3 – 5 years experience at same position
Good negotiation skills
Ready worked in remote area
Male / Female, Maximum 30 years old
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Mining
Able to operating software Autocad/ Minescape/ Surpac/ Minex
Having POP are preferable
1 – 3 years experience
Ready worked in remote area
Male / Female, Maximum 35 years old
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Law form Reputable University, Master Degree will be advantage
Having know well about Mining Regulator
3 years experience at same position
Fluent in English
Ready worked in remote area
Male / Female, Maximum 27 years old
Minimum Diploma from related discipline, from Psychology are preferable
Having know well and understanding of HR function area, Labor Law and Manpower Regulation, Recruitment, Industrial Relation, Personnel Administration
1 – 2 years experience
Ready worked in remote area
Minimum Senior High School
Having know well of building maintenance, manage of transportation, catering, office & dormitory, service organization and customer satisfaction
Having strongly under preassure
5 years experience at the same position
Maximum 35 years old
Ready worked in remote area
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Social Science
3 – 5 years experience in mining company
Minimum 27 years old
Strong leadership, Adaptive and Good Communication skills
Ready worked in remote area
Minimum Diploma from Agriculture / Forestry / Hyperkes
Having POP Certified are preferable
Having know well to set up SHE Management System
Minimum 5 years experience
Ready worked in remote area
Male / Female, Maximum 27 years old
Minimum Diploma from finance or accounting
2 years experience
Ready worked in remote area
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Delma Mining Corporation 2012 :
All position will be placement in Kabupaten Bulungan, East Kalimantan. If you are qualified for above position and interested joint with us, please submit your application letter , detail CV and expected salary (max 350kb) with position applied as email subject to :
Info : PT Delma Mining Corporation (DMC)
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