Lowongan Kerja Guru TK di Yayasan Pendidikan Nasional Karangturi 2010 (Exp : 7 Agustus )

Kindergarten Teacher

  • Female, age max. 30 years
  • S1 graduates (GPA > 2,75)
  • Having experiences in teaching
  • Fluent in English orally and written
  • Good personality, diligent, careful, hard worker and adroit
  • Having ability in operating computer (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)
  • Commited to continuous self improvement
Please submit your application with Curriculum Vitae, Academic Transcript and recent photograph (4 x 6) as soon as possible to:
Yayasan Pendidikan Nasional Karangturi
Up. HRD Department
Jl. Raden Patah 182 – 192, Semarang
Phone. 024-3545882, Fax. 024-3547260
Email. hrd@karangturi.com  or  hrdkarangturi@yahoo.com

>>>> Posted by Unknown || INFORMASI TERBARU || updated : 27 Juli 2010 <<<<
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